HACBED strives to achieve economic, social, and environmental justice in Hawai`i through community-based economic development.
Pursuit of Our Mission
HACBED pursues its mission by assisting community-based economic institutions that provide direct economic benefits to individuals, families, and communities. These institutions enhance community investments in order to help those communities build an economic structure that allows them to exercise greater control over their own futures.
Above all, HACBED serves this place called Hawai`i, as well as those who choose to be of this place and work to make it their home. In particular, HACBED has a strong focus on those who face social and economic injustices. HACBED provides this service by empowering education and capacity building for communities through policy development and advocacy for positive systemic change.
A “competitive advantage” is defined as “resources that allow an entity to develop and maintain an edge over competitors who produce similar goods and services.” HACBED’s competitive advantages stem from its knowledge and experience as it relates to community engagement and the connections HACBED has been able to form. This advantage is founded on the belief that people “know” and “can” and is conducted through informed and skilled listening that strengthens the community voice and and promotes collective action. By focusing on its competitive advantages, HACBED is able to build trust and credibility while maintaining its activist roots, which involve addressing injustice by acting to correct wrongs.